Mei 04, 2014



While in their early twenties, a medical school student, Oh Chang-min, and a dietitian, Oh Jin-hee, fall in love and marry despite his family's strong opposition.[4][5] Chang-min comes from a family of wealthy, successful doctors; they think Jin-hee isn't good enough for him, and after he marries her, they cut him off without a cent. In order to earn money right away, Chang-min gives up his dream of becoming a doctor, and instead becomes a pharmaceutical salesman. He is miserable at his job, while Jin-hee's inferiority complex deepens as her husband's family continues to look down on her. They begin to fight constantly and eventually get a divorce. Six years later, Chang-min has gone back to med school to pursue his dream, while Jin-hee has also put herself through med school. They end up as interns at the same hospital, where they'll have to work in the emergency room together for a whole year.

Song Ji-hyo

Choi Jin-hyuk

orang ketiga...karakter yang saya suka...

pelan-pelan fall in love balik...

Lepas 6 tahun bercerai, JIn Hee dan Chang Min jumpa balik sewaktu jadi intern di hospital yang sama. They hate each other. Imagine macamana kecohnya kalau dia orang kerja sama-sama di ER yang sama. Mesti kelakar, havoc. Dalam  masa sebok bergaduh tu,they slowly fall in love balik dan masing-masing cemburu. Love and hate at the same time, maybe. Kelakar tengok trailer bawah.

I kind of like dia punya ending. Realistic. Happy ending? Maybe.


16 ulasan:

ayuzan berkata...

lama da xlayan citer korea

Hoyaz berkata...

Macam best je. =)

ZH Blogger

Farah Waheda Wahid berkata...

ingatkan emergency couple apalah tadi kak...he he he... wah macam best jer citer ni...

Iela Fazielah berkata...

respek org minat cerita korea ni.... lom stat nak minat lg.. nnt kita pupuk minat pelan2..hihi

Nurul berkata...

Macam best... lama dah x layan citer korea ni... ^__^

Sihatimerahjambu berkata...

macam best je citer ni.nak tgk mongji berlakon :)

Adilah Asari berkata...

yaya ingatkan ae tadi..hehe..cerita ni tak tgk la..kurang minat tgk cerita korea..korea eh? hehe..

Siti Hajar berkata...

Wah. drama baru 2014. Macam best sangat. Tapi slalu suka tunggu dah habes sampai final episod baru tgk.

FarahFerraDotCom berkata...

Farah mmg tak dan nak layan drama2 kat tv.. huhuhu

norhasnizakhalid berkata...

mama pun kurang tengok korea ni

ezyra taharin berkata...

rajin nye la tgk drama on9 ..mesti line internet laju gila kan kat rumah hahha..jelez

Unknown berkata...

deqla x lyn la..huhuhu..

Nur Fajariah berkata...

drama ni best!currently tgh download sambil tgk =)

p/s:blogwalking sini

Linda berkata...

alamakkk macam best jek ni...kat youtube@dailymotion ada tak agak2nya...

Mummydearie berkata...

Alamak, sukalah kat Choi Jin Hyuk ni! Last tengok dia dalam 'My Daughter, the flower' Macam best pulak cerita nih.

QasehnyaRania berkata...

mcm menarik kureng la msred. hihi