Jun 27, 2012




Joke 1

A blonde walks into the library. She walks up to the counter, SLAMS a book down and screams at the librarian, - "This is the WORST book I've ever read. It has NO plot and far too many characters! "The librarian looks up and calmly remarks -"So, you're the one who took our phone book... "

Joke 2

A blonde and a brunette are taking a walk, and the brunette goes, "Oh look, a dead bird," and the blonde looks up at the sky and goes, "Where? "

Yang mana lagi best? Joke 1 atau joke 2?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

12 ulasan:

ewanthology berkata...

no 1..huhu

reenapple berkata...

no 1.. heheh.

Unknown berkata...

tapi saya tak faham....

neslO_ais berkata...

both pon lawak :D

aReLaN berkata...

of coz la saya pilih joke 1.hehehe

Nurrul Hazieqah berkata...

yang pertama lagi lawak.. tak best tapi dah baca :P

M Fizan berkata...

joke 1 memang funny. joke 2 kureng paham. huhu

Unknown berkata...

lawak no 2 agak sengal sbbnya burung dah mati g tgk atas ape kes? of la bila dah mati burung tu dah jatuh ke bawahkan?

Marina berkata...

no 2..betol2 sengal...

fida farida berkata...

no 2.. haha...

Khumaera Ismail aka Mariam Ismail berkata...

no 2. memang bengong.haha~

aizamia3 berkata...

yg 1st tu memang lucu.. hahaha..